


分类:Views, Construction, Drawing, Layers, Principal, Modification, Developer Tools支持版本:v2017, v2018, v2019
简介/概述Overview of FredoGhostFredoGhost is a Proxy framework for Sketchup: By ‘proxy framework’, I mean the capability to temporarily replace an object by another one, the proxy, and switch back and forth between the original version (REAL) and the proxy version (GHOST).
FredoGhost can be used for 2 main purposes
  • Combine different rendering styles in the same view, for instance, some objects in X-Ray, while others staying natural (like in my old plugin XRaySelection). FredoGhost gives you control of the style and of the objects you want to modify.
  • Make your model lighter to work with, since you can substitute proxies with lighter geometry (including just its bounding box)  instead of the finished objects. You have some methods to help in that, in particular the 'Proxy' method and the concept of frozen ghosts.
FredoGhost allows to select the objects you want to ghost and to convert them individually to their ghost and Real versions. The ghost methods provided can be parameterized at will. It can also associate a particular ghosting state to a Scene, which can be useful both for individual rendering and a faster working environment.
All commands can be accessed from the FredoGhost Studio dialog box, which exists in 2 forms: basic features and advanced features.



Note that FredoGhost only works with SU2017 and above.
IMPORTANT: For a period, it is advised to make a safe copy of your model, as there might be bugslats or other issues. This will ensure that you keep the main objects of your model in their real form.

Discussion forum
Links to Sketchucation Forum: Main Post   Latest Release

Installation of FredoGhost
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you have first installed LibFredo6 v8.6 or above.
FredoGhost is released as a regular RBZ extension file on the Sketchucation Site.
To download the RBZ file, use the red button on the right side of this page:

  • Download If your are already logged in.
  • Log in to get it! otherwise, in order to log in or to register to Sketchucation as a new user (this is FREE). Then you will be able to download the RBZ file.

Then, you can install the RBZ file from within Sketchup,  via the Sketchup Extension Manager   
If you are not familiar with the installation of Sketchup extensions and Sketchucation, it is advised to watch the video LibFredo6 installation.
IMPORTANT: Whatever way you choose, you MUST quit and restart Sketchup to get FredoGhost (and LibFredo6) properly loaded.
After the installation, you should have the following footprint in the Sketchup Plugins directory:


  • Sketchup versions: 2017 and above - certified for SU2019
  • Platform: Windows and Mac OSX
  • Language: English
  • Menus: by default, it is installed in Tools > Fredo6 Collection > FredoGhost...
  • Icon toolbar: FredoGhost


Credit: all toolbar icons and button images by JClements使用教程:Overview of the main features of FredoGhostThe silent video below gives short presentation of main features and workflow for FredoGhost.

Key concepts and basic operations in FredoGhost

Ghost Method Editor

Scene Capture

Layout Compatibility mode

Advanced Features: Working with Components

Advanced Features: Frozen Ghosts

Advanced Features: Sensitivity to Distance

Advanced Features: Ghost Configurations

Under the hood..





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